THIS TIME we share. THIS SPACE we make. THIS COMMUNITY we create.
We're glad you're here. Weekly, we send out this newsletter with stuff you need to know. Important information to connect, create, and share community.
Saturday, August 29 @ 10:00 AM EasternALL PROGRAM Theatre Meeting
All students, faculty, and staff should attend this very important information session about registration, new course, new faculty, mentors, auditions, how to apply for a job, and the fall theatre season! Register by clicking the button below.
August 24 - September 3
Registration Week
Registration looks al little different this year, but the idea id still the same. Sign up to interview with faculty that are offering courses you are interested in through PickTime. Interview with them through their link Zoom room. Info from the Registrar below.
Fall Interviews & Registration: The Basics
See the registration page in MySLC for details
Monday, August 24: Interview schedule and other registration material available on MySLC.
Saturday, Aug. 29-Sunday, August 30: Registration meetings with faculty and dons, students can view pre-interview videos and syllabi.
Monday, Aug. 31: All meetings end by 12:00 pm; staggered on-line course submission begins. All registrations must be submitted by 6:00pm.
Tuesday, Sept. 1: First-round placements are posted on MySLC in late afternoon/early evening.
Wednesday, Sept. 2: Alternate registration, students can view pre-interview videos and syllabi, meetings with dons only. There will not be additional interviews with faculty for alternate registration. Online alternate course selections must be submitted from 10:00am until 3:00pm.
Thursday, Sept. 3: Final placements posted to MySLC in late afternoon/early evening.
Monday, September 7: Classes begin.
Where? Online!
What do I need? All registration material including the interview schedule, class schedule, catalogue descriptions, and online registration instructions -- will be available on the registration page in MySLC by Monday, August 24.
Registration instructions
Online Course Selection FAQs (you must log into MySLC to access these pages).
SLC Theatre Mentorship Program
Our SLC Theatre Mentor Program was created in the spirit of welcoming new students into our theatre program and providing a personal resource to help make friends, understand the registration and audition process, meet the staff, and be a kind connection throughout the school year. We want our new community members to feel seen and heard. We want them to contribute to our creative spirit as a program and be proud of the work we do and what we stand for at SLC. Please fill out the form below to apply by August 28th @ 5pm EST. Mentorships will begin during Registration Week and continue through the school year. For questions about SLC Mentors contact Program Manager, Stephen Tyler Davis:
September 10 - 12
Audition for the SLC Theatre Fall Season
Audition Workshop September 10th led by guest artist KIZMET PRINGLE
Fall Season Auditions September 11th & 12th (Open to ALL SLC Theatre Students)
Core Values Statement
Sarah Lawrence College Theatre Program is a community of generous and engaged artists who value diverse, intentional, and rigorous research, process, and creation. We hold each other and ourselves accountable to responsibly challenge ourselves and each other to foster our growth as individuals and collaborative artists. We support innovation, not only in the art we produce but also in the systems we make to learn, share, and create. Through an interdisciplinary curriculum that prioritizes equality, care, and experimentation, we aim to create an artistic environment steeped in joy to envision and build a better future. This is an open and inclusive community where everyone is welcome.
For questions about the SLC Theatre Newsletter or to submit an announcement
Contact: Stephen Tyler Davis ( or Susan Sears (